After a week of dry weather the rain came over night and the track was a mud fest, Elbry was first of the team to turn up and it was clear his aspen dry hard pack tyres were not the one, dom and Oli soon turned up, Dom had no cash and miles from a cash point they hunted deep in the vans to find some race entry money for him and it was all go.
Dom and Oli would race sport and 2 mins later the stacked Masters class set off with Elbry getting a good jump in the first group in masters, Oli and Dom let the barging go on before cranking out a fast second lap, as for Elbry his fast start was the best part the race as he hit the mud of the singletrack and shot out the back from the lead group down to 15th. Lap 3 and Oli and Dom were past by a charging Elbry that was doing his thing, finding lines and being smooth, Elbry made a wrong turn and dropped to 16th while oli was killin it on the dh and saving his energy on the flats, Elbry made his way back to 15th on the steep drop dh section on the last lap but was past back on the short up hill when he was foced to get off thanks to a lack of grip, Sitting in elbry was game for a sprint finish, Last climbs in 2 parts before the finish, but as they hit the climb a large section of tree went in to his wheel and mech, getting it out and away Elbry had dropped 30 seconds, pushing hard on the last climb but finished less than a second short of 15th.. Oli and dom rolled in for some solid points thanks to a great 7th and 8th in our first xc race for the Ride- All team, Elbry put his bike in the van and was off to pack a landing down for a new huck, Oli and Dom had a pasty,beer and a smoke before heading home.
Boys will be back in xc and enduro action in a few weeks time.
Team supported by Rider Run Company , Freestyle and Trail Head skills coaching.